Saturday, November 13, 2004

2 bbq and still going hot

2 bbq and still going hot!!
Today had another bbq, this time with the fellowship at paris ris (*that same old place again),and yours truly was in charge of food (do not worry, nobody was poisoned).I would say the bbq did not go as well as planned, firstly in terms of estimation of food, once again there were leftovers, and secondly there was not much response to the gospel.

After today's bbq, I realised that actually the amount of time available for barbequeing the food and the people doing the barbequeing are actually also important factors as to how much food should be bought in comparison to the number of people eating. We had to clear up everything around 8pm and there were still chicken wings, otah, satay and a plate of bee hoon left. As usual, some of it were taken home by us but this time round, we gave it to some friends of hong and I, who were also barbequeing at a nearyby pit.

It was indeed a great thing to see lousy (*my friend's nickname) again after so long. I believe that the last time we hang out together was months back when I popped by CCHMS for NCC. I am sure most of you have that same kind of feeling before, when you meet an old friend who used to be tight and close with you back in sch, and it was fun catching up. Well, I'll be seeing him and the rest of the company again in two weeks time, at guess what? Another bbq!! (-_-!!!)

currenT sonG choicE: Orange Coloured Sky by Laura Fygi


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