Monday, November 22, 2004

A Long Long "Rainbow" Story

A Long Long "Rainbow" Story

To all who noticed the absence of blog updates, I apologise. The week had been fairly busy, and the coming week will get even easier with more events such as Kid's Games and Growth Camp'04.



It was monday, the sky was pretty, the weather was fine, but koda's heart was in turmoil. There was supposed to be a recee at Changi for a particular chalet that will be used to hold the Christmas events in December. Originally meant only for those exclusive personnel, it was later opened up to the entire zone because of one single individual. Koda's zone leader turned the recee into a chance for a mini gathering with that particular individual. And a gathering, with that individual, where people talked and shared was definitely not something that koda needed in his road of recovery.

Still, koda went in the end. There was supposed to be prayer on koda's part, to seek God's guidance on this matter. But there never was, koda went out of a different reason in the end.

He felt unfair at first, since other people had invited him along for the recee a long time ago, but koda knew that only one word was needed from his zone leader to refuse his tag-along on the trip. He was not needed. Yes indeed, up till the day prior to the recee, all that was requested from koda was not his presence, but his camera. He was totally unnecessary, if not for his camera.

Koda felt furious, but at what he was not totally sure. Was there a feeling of being used? A hint of being what they called "extra"? Or perhaps, koda is just a small little petty guy. Whatever the case, the choice was made and it was carried out, koda went.

And the morning went by without any problems, there was no conflicting emotions or any actions that were uncalled for. Koda left the group in the afternoon.



Tuesday came and it was time for Student Center (SC). Koda went to help out but there was virtually nothing to be done. The street bandy court was set up and sticks soon began to swing. The evening later turned out to be something rather enjoyable.

Swimming, and not at a public pool but at the pool of one of koda's best buddies around. Better still, there were no parents who looked down from the window every ten minutes or so. Even better still, the pool came with underwater lights and when twilight came, the whole pool lit up. And guess what, he learned how to dive into the water properly.

Yet the best thing of all was this - Koda was not swimming alone, he was with friends, with buddies, with brothers. It was fun, he was happy.

Koda finished all his stuff and rushed down to a very good friend's place for a mission. He took the last bus and arrived there well past midnight. The streets were quiet, a few strangers still loomed about though.
Upon arrival, work began immediately. The mission's completion was of most importance and absolutely necessity. Koda's good friend - Erly's wedding present was in the making. A one thousand pieces jigsaw puzzle to be finished by 8am that very day, and there were only five people working on it.
Imagine this very beautiful and romantic scene: Mickey and Minnie Mouse, standing on a small balcony, with two glasses of champagne. There was a velvety green curtain, gorgeous red roses, a town so complex it looked almost natural, busy roads with tiny-looking vehicles and a sunset too awe-inspiring and radiant to be possible.


The sun rose, and another day had arrived. Wednesday was to be filled with street evangelism. The target: Bishan and Toa Payoh.

However, on the morning of that lovely day, a union was to be fulfilled. It was the wedding ceremony of Erly and Erman. It was almost unbelievable, Erly's only 19 and Erman 25. Yet this two had decided to spend the rest of their lives together at such a young age. Perhaps it is what the secular world called "the power of love", and no, it was not a shotgun marriage.



Thursday morning was another time for fun and exercise. The Aljunied Swimming Pool reopened on that day after months of renovation. And what a startling discovery, those below 18 only needs to pay $0.50 for entry into the pool.

This time round, koda learnt free style from hong. He used to be only able to swim frog style. The very hot morning (think literally hot) ended with a quick sun tanning session on the deck chairs.

Noon came and went, and hours were then spent on the street bandy court again.



Sun burnt marks the beginning of the day. Even though tanning oil was applied on the day before at the pool, somehow the back and forearms were still at the mercy of harmful sunrays and skin peeling.

Itinerary of friday for koda started with street E, followed by a trip to the airport to send his father off. There was a sumptuous lunch at Swensen's where he had teriyaki chicken with pesto spaghetti, calamari rings and apple crumble topped with vanilla ice cream and butterscotch sauce. YA fellowship at Funan the IT Mall where for the first time, Jonathan joined them. The last destination of the day switch from K-Box at Marine Parade to Ada's place at Bedok, where more pasta and cheesecake awaited.

Kid's Games training in Church followed by yet another trip to the airport. This time, koda's friends and their families were flying to Melbourne, Australia for a short vacation.
Sad to say, somehow conflicting emotions arose at the send-off. Something was amiss and koda was scared. He was frightened that what he fear may come true. (Please do not misunderstand, there is nothing wrong with the plane.) At that point, Koda knew that he needed to start disciplining his heart and mind. Precautions to be taken, and thoughts to be observed.
And there you have it, an exciting one week for koda for sunday soon came.
CUrreNT SonG CHoiCE : I'm Your Angel by Celine Dion and R Kelly


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