Monday, February 09, 2009

Regret - it eats at you from within, like a vile creature nurtured through imprudence and in the absence of discipline . Often it makes us wish we are masters of time so that we may go back and undo certain actions. Men do learn from hindsight; it's only cardinal if when presented with a similar situation a second time that we repeat the very same mistakes. I acted on impulse again, not once, not twice, not even thrice...

Could I have handled the matter in a more mature manner?? Yes. But I allowed my emotions to get the better of me. The result - "albertantrum". It ruined not just the night, my night but it may very well have left a smear across the memories of my friends, affecting them needlessly.

Tantamount to the saying "so near, yet so far", I was right outside and 5 centimetres away. I had envisioned it perfectly; I'll step into the room, you'll look up at me roused from your slumber by my entry and I'll plant a kiss on that pair of lucious, soft, full lips. Yet when my trembling fingers wrapped itself around the pale and cold metal, heartbeat quickening with every second and my mind a tumult, I found myself powerless and weak. Like some TV serial drama, albeit knowing you are right on the other side of the threshold, I released my shaking hand and turned away.

I do not like to leave issues hanging.

I need to resolve this.


At 11:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

things will turn out fine... they always do...

At 1:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should have gotten hold of yourself..pain come as time goes by and the more you hold onto something that you will never get... it will just hurt you more by the milliseconds and eventually become chronic


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