Friday, November 12, 2004

C'mon Chalet Baby!!

C'mon Chalet Baby!!

Hey people, I just came back from class chalet this morning and there is only one word to describe it: "wow". It was great fun, compared to those in my secondary school. There was bbq for two nights (*although I only went for one) and there was movies (*though unfortunately, it was not exactly very healthy), PS2 and games. The only horrid thing would be sleeping, first night I was sleeping on a yellow mattress-looking thing (*which ain't very soft) among the other guys on the first floor; and on the second night, I pretty much froze in the bedroom. Oh neyton came along too, he's our senior mentor and a great fun guy, I think other than me, he was also the only one who only woke up in the afternoon on the second day.

Well, I would definitely look forward to spending another holiday with this bunch of classmates and friends again but that would be like, so many months away, and besides, I think we have to think of something else other than another bbq and chalet. Maybe we can all go to some nearby island and play?

Had a real funny time "disturbing" willis at the chalet too. But well don't worry will', you are not the person in my heart because there is nobody in my heart right now. I love u but I don't love u, get it? If you do not, teddy bear sing song then. (*inside joke)

Current Song Choice: Before I Fall In Love by Coco Lee

Matthew 5:13 "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.

J. Oswald Sanders said, "Christians are meant to be a separated people." But do not misunderstand, he did not mean that Christians should all live bunched up together on some far-away land or high mountaintop, away from the world. He meant that Christians most definitely, almost always face persecution and that if Christians stand up for what they believe in, they will definitely be viewed as a separate part of the world by the majority of non-believers.

However as Christians, no matter how strong the persecution, we should and must still stand strong in the face of darkness and disbelief. Fear not the Devil if we put on God's armour of faith. (*Ephesians 6:11)

"Jesus also never suggested that Christians should isolate themselves from worldly people and leave them for the devil. He Himself was once the object of bitter criticism by the Pharisees..." quote Sanders. The term "salt" was used by the Lord because He wanted to tell us that we as His servant and children should reach out to the unsaved, be among them and not isolate ourselves while we let their souls waste away. Salt is supposed to be in the soup and on meat, not on a separate plate by itself.

I was reading Sander's A Sufficient Grace for QT yesterday while at the chalet. The chapter was actually on Christian backsliding but the sub-chapter on The Paradox of Incomplete Separation (*the above 3 paragraphs with my own opinion thrown in) actually served as a reminder to me with regards to evangelistic events. The gospel must be shared. It's a fact but just that for myself during this two months of November and December, I would not be doing any "people-related work" at all.

I do regret the wrong steps I took that now resulted in me being able to do only behind-the-scenes-jobs but at the same time, I also understand the reasons why. I need to stop and relearn and rethink stuff. With the original attitude that I had, even if I am now allowed to do follow-ups, I am quite sure that I what I am doing would not please God at all. And it all boils down to pleasing God, not man.

Take for example, tuesday's cheesecake making session and tomorrow's youth bbq. I need to be absolutely sure of the reason behind me being involved and serving. I need to be sure that I am serving God and only God when I am teaching the students how to make a cheesecake and preparing the bbq food, and I can't have any other motives for doing so. Reasons like for e.g. seeking compliments from people for making a good cheesecake would be wrong. To serve is to glorify God, not myself.

Yet however, at the same time I feel that I am still lacking something. I know that I am not seeking human praise but I am still unsure about whether are my actions God-pleasing? I feel that I do not have any kind of conviction that tells me I'm returning to the right path and is now walking in God's Will.


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