Sunday, November 07, 2004

Psalm 23

Psalm 23
A psalm of David.

1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters.
3 He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Spend the morning in CCHMS's open house with the girls and had a rather boring time listenening to the new vp's (*mr pek i think) speech and introduction of the school to interested parents at the lecture theatre. Ran into my old "arch-enemy" (*principle mr yue) and he asked about my results. Seriously, I doubt he cares especially after I deliberately and purposefully refused his so called "advice" (*he wanted me to drop my biology) and went to a poly instead of a jc.

Lunch was at Singapore Post Center, a place we used to go to during those good old days (*seems like we've aged). After which we left to make our way to Victoria Concert Hall for a local drama production - the Iron Man Story.

Ex-convict turned pastor. Neivelle Tan was a hotshot street gangster back in the 1960s. Still under the control of colonial British back then, Neivelle Tan was also a regular of the prison and had earned himself the nickname of "Iron Man". After spending countless fragmented years in the prison, Neivelle Tan crossed the path of the pastor in charge of the prison fellowship but it was only until when Neivelle was locked up in MSC (*no idea what that stands for) did he became in contact with the source of his Salvation - God, and scraps of a bible from a fellow prison mate.

When Neivelle's mum died from cancer, Neivelle faced the deepest trough of his life yet. No prison hardship or bloody gang fights could be compared to the lost of his mother. It was at that point that Neivella realised that God did indeed heard his prayers during those 14 days in MSC and that God has always been with him. It was Psalm 23 that opened his heart to the eternal light. He accepted Christ and was baptised by that same pastor.

The show reminded me of another Christian movie known as the "Source of Love". I saw it at a private screening by Church of God Mount Olives together with big guy and his relatives. The common point of both productions was that it took a loved one's death for somebody to believe in the love of God.

The main character (*let's call him MC since I cannot remember his name) was a first generation Christian, with a sister who later in the show believed in Christ, and two parents who think that Lord Jesus Christ is a foreign "angmoh" God. He worked hard for the sake of the gospel and served the Lord wholeheartedly.

MC's parents rejected the gospel again and again but God spoke to them and touched their hearts after the unfortunate demise of MC in a road accident. MC recorded a video of himself preaching the gospel with the target audience being his parents before his death. It was the combined effect of his departure and the videotape, empowered by God, that moved his parents.

I was just wondering that why are people so silly. There are so people everywhere are sharing the gospel to unbelievers and instead of accepting the gift of eternal life given by Lord Jesus Christ, they choose to allow the Devil to rule their lives. (*Yes, even for those punks who say they have freedom and they live their life for only themselves, they are the slaves of Satan.)

Please do not misunderstand, I do not mean that in order for somebody to believe that Christ is the one true God, there must be deaths of family members, that there isn't any point in believing in Christ unless someone died. That is also not the intention of either "Iron Man Story" or "Source of Love". I am just puzzled why people can be so obdurate. Place the truth in front of them, and they choose instead to shut their eyes and be blind to it.

Follow Satan, follow Lilith, follow Baal, follow Buddha and you will end up in Hell for eternity. Yes I'm talking about Hell, the most horrible place that ever existed. Imagine a place that is fiery and has weeping and gnashing of teeth. (*Matthew 13:51) Imagine being there for eternity and there is no way of escaping. Yes eternity. Imagine you have lived to say, 90 years old or so and you thought your life would end when suddenly, you find that it will not. Instead, you carry on being 90 and you continue to live on and on and on, without an ending. Imagine spending that kind of life in hell instead of heaven. Our life on Earth right now is but a little dot compared to eternity. Think maths, our life over eternity would be 1/10^x where x is infinity, a very big number with lots and lots of zeros at the back.

And just today, I had a conversation with Satan.

Satan: Why do you carry on doing the job of God? Does it gives you satisfaction? Are you really happy? I know you feel unappreciated and disappointed, why not let me help you give up?
ME: Away from me Satan, you may think you know me but you don't. Yes, I do get satisfaction because whenever I see a new baby believer, I am happy and I know that yet one more time you are defeated. So what if I feel unappreciated and disappointed, that is not important at all. The good works of Heaven is what is important. Plus, God will always be there to encourage me and care for me.
Satan: But you are wasting your time, there are so many things you want to do. You want to go swimming, go and have fun, go and watch videos and movies. If you give up now, I'd help tp bring you happiness.
ME: I do not want your kind of happiness for it is not happiness at all. I feel into the trap of temptation of yours once and I will not do so again. I can overcome it, and if I need help of any kind, there is always God and my brothers and sisters-in-Christ.
Satan: You are forgetting that your efforts so far have failed, it's already two months over a year now and you have accomplished nothing. If you are under me instead, the results would have been different.
ME: Of course it'll be different, it would have been worse. Time isn't what counts here and I am still growing. Baby believer or not, I serve God, not you devil. You cannot continue to tempt me, trick me and lie to me but I know God will always be there to save me.


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