Thursday, October 26, 2006

34 days, from the first day we met each other, to our first date, subsequently our second date, falling in love and then experiencing our first fight followed by many fights to come.

31 days we were together with each other physically. More than half of the time we were fighting with each other, but something good always come out of it. We fight, argue, quarrel and then realise we understand each other more. We end up being closer.

11 days ago we gave each other an "official" status, although it actually does not matter at all. A long time go, you and I were already together.

B: "I'm asking you right now "XJXXX", on the night of 16th October 2006, the time is 11.30pm. Will you be with me?? Through thick and thin, for richer or poorer and let me take care of you."

You gave a thoughtful look, paused and then you made a sound, as if to give the impression that you are really considering my proposal.

J: "Hmmm, ok la. I've already treat you as my boyfriend a long time ago."

Then it was time to kiss the bride. And I did.

A sudden downpour of rain
The world transformed into shelter
I turned back and saw your familiar face right in front of my eyes

I remember the first time we went out and somehow, silly me actually turned it into a group outing. I won't say it was love at first sight but I liked you right then although the whole world kept saying stuff like we are not compatible and you are not my type.

"Not my type"?? Is that really important when it comes to love?? Lust perhaps, but not love. No, there isn't a type when it comes to love.

Anyway so we met up and then we went clubbing. Down the road, one day you asked me why I had left you alone for a while with other friends inside one of the clubs. Well, I did not want to appear to be over-friendly (which is actually just a substitute for desperate) and scare you off by sticking to you like glue.

At the end of the night I went home and then you left to meet your friends and crush somewhere else. That concluded our first meeting. It was 23rd September 2006, or rather the morning of the 24th.

Distracted, you lost the cigarette in your hand
A falling stick of fire
Burning away time and ages

3 days later, we had our first date at the movies. Can you believe how stupid I am, I only just figured out why you suddenly wanted to watch that movie with me. It was because I kept saying I wanted to watch it on Saturday. That was the first time you did something for me although I never did realise it until now. The movie was "John Tucker Must Die", the first of many movie marathons to come. It was 26th September 2006.

Surprisingly, the movie that had the most meaning to us was actually "You, Me and Dupree". Do not get me wrong, there is no third party living in our house. Heck, we do not even have a house. It was the dialogue and the plot that struck close to our hearts. We laughed along with the theatre crowd but deep within us, we were actually laughing at ourselves and laughing at each other.

Images of yesterday came flooding back
Reflections of the past we once had

The first present you gave me was a small turtle plushie and you affectionately named it Joshie cause you thought the initial name that I gave it sucks. Joshie now sleeps above me every night, sometimes he even goes out with us, hiding in my black Crumpler bag - the second best present that you had given me. Why is it not the best present you may ask?? Well, have you forgotten about your own heart??

Are you getting on fine nowadays
Have you become happier
I should be happy for you, should I not
But why is it I can't seemed to say a word

You are indeed one of the best things that had ever happened to me. How ironic is it that when you had originally intended to find someone you can learn from, you ended up being the one who taught me the most.

You taught me to be humble, to bring down my pride and stop being egoistic. You taught me to be selfless, to love others before myself. You taught me to see myself, the real me. You taught me to stop being headstrong and to learn to admit my mistakes. You taught me to learn to respect other people's privacy. You even tried to teach me the one great thing that many have thought impossible; you tried to teach me the importance of punctuality.

But most importantly, you taught me to always treat others the way I would want to be treated. To always put myself in the shoes of others.

Raindrops fell and hit your shoulders
Teardrops fell and streak across my face
Our love became a full stop drawn up in hastiness

We shall be missing from each other's lives now. I know I had hurt you and after so many chances that you had given me, I really do not deserve anything more from you. There had just been one too many mistakes and no matter how many surprises I come up with, I know I had let you down one too many times. Somehow and unknowingly, I was no longer the trustworthy and reliable shoulder you yearned for.

I can only hope that someone else comes along in future who would love you more than I did and motivate and encourage you in the right manner.


At 12:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't bother to read everything, but just come for your lectures.


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