Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Previously on Bert's Song...
Edwin started a 'matchmaking' agency.
Thomas made a startling move.
Jayden made a bold move.
Leo is coming back into the picture.
J & K are still happily together.
A new character enters the fold and Albert??
He found love... ...

It's been such a tumultuous week; I don't even know where to start. I really believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that I was where I ended up at a certain time for no coincidences. I don't think it's by chance that my off-day was postponed so many times until it ended up being on a Monday, which was originally the day that I had requested for. Pardon me for being dramatic, because if I did not had my Monday off, I would not have been where I was on Sunday night and then the wheels of destiny would not have clicked into motion. (LOL that was so cheesy!!)
Love advice from me for Thomas, Edwin, Leo, Jayden and whoever else is listening:
'Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
If I hadn't taken the first step and asked Edwin & Jowy to help me make my first step happen, I would probably still be standing beneath the podium looking up. I've never lost faith in love, albeit there have been misses and misgivings along the way but if you just looked at the way I kept trying, you would realised that I never stopped looking. And neither should any of you.
Love advice for me from Edwin:
It's always a brand new and different ball game. I quote, "you've fallen so often that you've forgotten how it feels like to be standing". It's been so long since my last relationship that I've forgotten how it feels like to accomodate someone else and that things are no longer just about me. There are two of us now.
Of course having said all this, I'm still currently single but just that I'm no longer available. I practice what I like to call 'mutually exclusive dating', think of it as a premature form of monogamy. In simpler terms, I'm seeing one person and one person only.
To Shuya,
I'm not a good person and I know that; I have my sins and flaws. Sometimes I feel that it's as if I do not deserve to be happy; thanks for reminding me that I should not think that way. I can get rather insecure but I realised that I need to deal with my own insecurities instead of constantly living in fear that I will 'jinx' myself.
I've found, or rather I've been given someone thoughtful, caring, sweet, romantic and simply fabulous. And for this I'm greatly thankful. Thank you God. (I can sense that Fiana wants to kill me now.)
I'm really sorry if it seems like I'm suffocating you. I keep reminding myself that I need to restraint and go slowly instead of charging full speed ahead but I guess sometimes I let my heart gets to my head.

To me a relationship is like a 3-legged table - honesty, communication & space; the lack of any one leg will only cause the table to crumble. I've forgotten that we both need our space and more importantly, you need your space. I apologise for not considering about your feelings. Above all, I should have asked.


At 11:54 PM , Blogger p[-_-]q said...

Every new item we introduce into our lives requires getting used to. Regardlessly whether we had prior experience or not. Same goes for a relation dude...

Things would just get better and more in control. If you believed and act accordingly, that is. =)


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